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Corinne Doret
Nov 27, 20231 min read
Discover the power of yoga with door and belt!
Don't have yoga ropes? Use a door and a belt instead! Here are some examples of how to use a door and a belt for your home practice. Yoga...

Corinne Doret
May 30, 20222 min read
Progression to Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) - Part 1
Before you take your legs up, build your strength and confidence. Your base should be stable, not move an inch when you take your legs...

Corinne Doret
May 30, 20222 min read
Yoga Asanas - How does it work and how do you benefit from your practice?
The practice of yoga postures or asanas, exercises and works systematically on every part of your body, toning your muscles and...

Corinne Doret
May 30, 20220 min read

Corinne Doret
May 16, 20222 min read
Standing Poses - Ropes or no ropes?
If you need support there are advantages to using the ropes for standing poses: To support the practice & take the load off limbs To open...

Corinne Doret
May 16, 20222 min read
Headstand Practice
From using a support to a free Headstand (Sirsasana) HEADSTAND requires core and upper body strength. We also need flexible/strong...

Corinne Doret
May 11, 20222 min read
Locust and Cobra (Salabhasana & Bhujangasana)
Foundation poses for deeper backbends. They open your chest and stretch your shoulders and belly. They tone the legs and buttocks. They...

Corinne Doret
May 11, 20221 min read
Progression to Revolved Head To Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)
Take your time and build your practice mindfully. There is a level of practice for everyone, don't rush, don't distort to get there!...

Corinne Doret
Apr 18, 20222 min read
30 minutes Backbend - Back Release
You may vary the time you stay in each pose. You may omit the poses you are not familiar with, or select a set of poses you would like to...

Corinne Doret
Jan 2, 20203 min read
Shoulderstand, the Queen of Asanas
The Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) is revered for its many physiological benefits. Dr Geeta S Iyengar observed that often practitioners do...

Corinne Doret
Jun 9, 20191 min read
Placement & Action of the Feet in Intense Side Stretch (Parsvottanasan)
As per the classical Triangle pose (Trikonasan) the front heel is aligned with the arch of the back foot. However in Intense Side...

Corinne Doret
Jun 7, 20197 min read
Benefits of Yoga for Combating Obesity in Pregnancy
Obesity in Pregnancy - Yoga proposal for a pregnancy health and wellness model - c. Doret June 2019 In 2017-18 two thirds (67.0%) of...

Corinne Doret
Dec 14, 20183 min read
Multi Dimensional Benefits of Yoga
What are the benefits of yoga? In short physical, physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual. It’s remedial and restorative, it’s...

Corinne Doret
Dec 14, 20183 min read
Restore your Mind and Body after a busy day:
A HOME PRACTICE FOR PREGNANCY This simple restorative practice will relax you and will help with heartburn. It is suitable for 2nd and...

Corinne Doret
Nov 29, 20183 min read
The Benefits of Meditation
Meditation is a state of relaxed awareness. It is a journey to self-discovery. It opens the doors to intuitional knowledge. It clarifies...

Corinne Doret
Nov 29, 20183 min read
Yoga and its benefits
Whether you are looking to develop your strength, increase your flexibility, learn how to relax or simply want to improve your health &...

Corinne Doret
Feb 19, 20183 min read
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; which yoga practice should I choose?
A restorative yoga practice is a wonderful way to stretch your body, loosen muscles and joints, and help with balance, posture and...

Corinne Doret
Dec 15, 20171 min read
Yes, Yoga is for teens!
Teenagers lives are hectic. They juggle hormones, peer pressure, relationships, technology, part time work, exams, each and everyday....

Corinne Doret
Oct 19, 20174 min read
Yoga after a mastectomy
In February 2006 M.M. began private sessions with me to assist with further recovery from a mastectomy (removal of the breast) she’d had...

Corinne Doret
Oct 19, 20171 min read
Yoga Practice for a 78 year old student with a degenerative spine: Part 2: spinal traction
#spinaltraction #yogaandarthritis See Part 1: Yoga Practice for a 78 year old student with a degenerative spine
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