Discover the power of yoga with door and belt!
Progression to Shoulderstand (Salamba Sarvangasana) - Part 1
Yoga Asanas - How does it work and how do you benefit from your practice?
Standing Poses - Ropes or no ropes?
Headstand Practice
Locust and Cobra (Salabhasana & Bhujangasana)
Progression to Revolved Head To Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)
30 minutes Backbend - Back Release
Shoulderstand, the Queen of Asanas
Placement & Action of the Feet in Intense Side Stretch (Parsvottanasan)
Benefits of Yoga for Combating Obesity in Pregnancy
Multi Dimensional Benefits of Yoga
Restore your Mind and Body after a busy day:
The Benefits of Meditation
Yoga and its benefits
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome; which yoga practice should I choose?
Yes, Yoga is for teens!
Yoga after a mastectomy
Yoga Practice for a 78 year old student with a degenerative spine: Part 2: spinal traction