Meditation is a state of relaxed awareness. It is a journey to self-discovery. It opens the doors to intuitional knowledge. It clarifies the mind, makes it calm and steady. It regulates the emotions, cleanses the mind of impurities by developing strong and pure thoughts. Research shows that meditation reduces stress and regulates blood pressure, and is also effective in helping with psychological conditions such as compulsions and anxiety. Meditation relaxes the body and promotes mental and emotional balance, a peaceful state that enhances well-being.
Meditation for Study
A relaxed and focused mind will not only increase absorption and retention of information but it will also improve memory recall. Stress and anxiety can greatly undermine a student's performance. Often the stress is carried through weeks prior to the exam while preparing for it. Because meditation sharpens your concentration and your thinking power it is a very useful tool for anyone studying for exams. It helps to keep the mind relaxed and highly focused in study periods, hence increased information absorption and retention. It also helps in times of exams when knowledge needs to be retrieved with accuracy. Again the mind is allowed to relax and expand in order to let the information come back to the surface.
Meditation for Stress Management
Stress is responsible for many health problems such as, headaches, insomnia, muscular tension, indigestion, nervous breakdown, peptic ulcer, heart disease, depleted energy, addictions, short memory loss, eczema, low immune system, depression, irritability and migraine to name a few, as well as family break ups and unbalanced family environments. Regular practice of meditation will help clear and relax the mind as well as restore inner balance. Meditation brings the mind to a state of tranquility and awareness and teaches to let go and surrender to the silence and stillness within. In this state of expanded awareness we are more able to see clearly and discard unnecessary thoughts and concerns. Meditation for stress management is deeply calming and energizing to the mind.
Meditation for Healing
Research shows that people who take up meditation to assist in the process of healing fare better than those who do not. Meditation helps to restore emotional balance and it supports the body's natural healing process. Physical/mental/emotional stress lowers the immune system and depletes one of vital energy. In meditation blockages can be released, healing energy flows freely and stress is kept at bay.
Meditation for Self-enhancement
In meditation as you observe your self with detachment you come to see who you really are without illusion and judgment. It teaches you to watch with honesty the functioning of your own mind in a calm and detached manner. With practice you are able to gain insight into your own behaviour. Your unconscious motives become clear to you. Surrender and acceptance is the first positive step to change and self transformation. Meditation can then be utilised to instill new patterns of behaviour and mental habits (working with anger, over-reaction, cravings, self discipline etc..). Using meditation for self-improvement is very empowering. You become in charge. The master of your thoughts and behaviours.
Meditation for Problem Solving
A meditative state stimulates right hemisphere brain activity associated with the creative mind and intuition. States of deep relaxation and state of focus & relaxed awareness bring mental clarity, open up the mind to greater vision, and allow access to our inner resources for answers, assisting in decision making.
Meditation for Sports
Athletes use the tools of sport psychology, visualization, affirmation, relaxation and many similar techniques before a game or preparing for it to enhance their focus, centeredness and increase their performance. Meditation trains the mind to remain focused on one object of concentration, it keeps the mind in the present moment and increases awareness. Meditation teaches detachment and centeredness and when the mind remains centered the emotions are steady and remain undisturbed whatever distraction may arise. The mind is kept on the game, free from disturbing thoughts or emotions which can affect performance.
Meditation for Spiritual Advancement
To live ethically, harmoniously and with stability and to liberate oneself from attachment and desires. To become aware inside and outside, to be totally aware in all circumstances. To experience true happiness by the cessation of suffering caused by the mind.
Meditation in Your Life
Meditation is a state of heightened awareness. Sitting is not the only way you can practice meditation. For training and deeper work you sit, but you can also meditate while washing the dishes, walking, eating etc.. Experience the state of meditation in your daily life, to be fully present and absorbed, just like a young child in their play.