Whether you are looking to develop your strength, increase your flexibility, learn how to relax or simply want to improve your health & fitness, yoga will help you achieve your goal!
As regular yoga practitioners will vouch, yoga works in subtle yet profound ways to deliver positive outcomes that will BENEFIT YOU.
Yoga has unlimited potential when it comes to health and wellbeing,
YOGA is purifying, cleansing, strengthening, relaxing and calming. It is a complete system, which works on all levels, physical, mental and spiritual. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit root "YUJ" which means union. It is the process of unification of individual consciousness and universal consciousness. Yoga integrates the mind, body and spirit through the combined practices of movements or postures, breathing techniques, relaxation and meditation.
It is said that all yoga is remedial because it seeks to remedy state of imbalance and can therapeutically assist people with a wide range of conditions. The stretches of yoga postures give greater suppleness to the body and flexibility to the spine. Yoga improves posture and develops balance and co-ordination. Breathing practice is also an important aspect of yoga, and combined with postures, stimulates and massages the internal organs. Correct breathing is important in the practice of yoga because not only does it increase oxygen intake thus improving oxygenation and circulation of blood but it also increases the intake and distribution of Prana (Life Force) through the body, which gives vitality, energy and healing. Both posture and respiration have a direct effect on the functioning of the body systems. Incorrect posture impairs respiration and improper breathing leads to lack of vitality and energy.
YOGA practice also influences psychological conditions such as restlessness, anxiety and anger. As yoga movements and breathing are performed with conscious awareness, the mind is focused, the breathing is slow, deep and controlled, and as a result the body relaxes and physical and mental tension is released. Overtime increased body strength and flexibility are achieved as well as improved blood circulation to limbs and overall body systems are stimulated improving their functions. Mental and physical tension is relieved with the practice of yogic postures and deep relaxation.
Yoga Practice
We do not eat before a class. A minimum of 3 to 4 hours should be allowed after a full meal. We wear comfortable clothes (but not baggy). If you are new to yoga commit to a regular practice. You can then build up to 2 or more classes per week. It is a good idea to also develop a home practice. It is always better to have a regular yoga practice even if it is only once a week than an intense and erratic one. There is no rush, take your time and enjoy. As you begin to derive the many benefits that yoga offers you will naturally keep your practice going and most probably want to do more. Yoga requires discipline. It takes a while to establish the discipline of a regular yoga practice so once you have started do not stop. It is better to reduce your practice than stopping it altogether.
Sometimes new students report muscular aching the following day of yoga practice. This is only natural and should be expected as the practice of Yogic Postures work on opening up, lengthening, stretching and awakening the body from top to bottom, inside out. Muscular aching should disappear within couple of days and as you deepen your practice, stiffness and tension held in the body will gradually be removed as you regain some flexibility. You should never exert yourself to the point of strain, never force or push beyond your present limitations.
Moving with inner focus will develop awareness and prevent from possible injuries. Be patient with yourself and take your time. Yoga is also about slowing down the racing mind and bringing calmness within.
People who start yoga in view of helping with chronic back problems or weaknesses and other health conditions may want to consider our Hatha 60+ class
Any medical conditions, i.e, recent surgery, heart & back problems etc. would be wise
to seek your doctor's approval before starting yoga.
Never exert undue force or strain while doing Asanas. Any pain is a sign of incorrect practice or of a physical problem. Regular practice will remove stiffness.
Yoga is not recommended in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. In case of complication or previous history of miscarriage, get your doctor's approval before starting yoga.